Karelia CBC project

Ethno-architecture of Fennoscandia in XXI-century

The main goal of Ethno-architecture of Fennoskandia in XXI century -project is to advance preserving traditional wooden architecture in Finland and in republic of Karelia in Russia.

During the project it is intended to improve the education of restoring wooden buildings and traditional building methods and also to share information and skills to people who work in this field and to local communities.

The project includes Oulu Vocational Colleges student groups’ trips to Russia where they study wooden restoration and conservation. Media students document the trips and make educational videos about restoration.

The project is funded by Karelia CBC. Coordinator organization of the project is Kizhi State Open Air Museum of Wooden Architecture and Ethnography. Other executors are Oulu Vocational College OSAO and University of Petrozavodsk.

Here is the project’s final exhibition, enjoy!


Täältä pääset tutustumaan tarkemmin toimmintaamme blogikirjoitusten kautta. Täältä löydät ajantasaisimmat tiedot toiminnastamme. 


Tänne olemme keränneet kaikki videot toiminnastamme. Täältä löytyy muun muassa mediapuolen tekemät reissuvideot matkoista Kizhille


Tästä pääset tutustumaan hankkeemme kuvagalleriaan, jonne olemme koonneet kuvia matkoiltamme ja kaikesta tekemisestämme.